Since many of you are visiting me regularly , you are well aware that I’m a huge film lover . Therefore when my two greatest loves are combined I am in heaven. Moreover the marriage of film and fashion is just fabulous . For this reason I’m visibly shaken by the up coming film ATOMIC BLONDE . Hence I have only watched the trailer and can easily see how film can set fashion trends .
Strangely enough Atomic Blonde is not the first fashionable spy movie . Since everyone can recall 007 , looking so debonair, can we also recall some stylish women who spyed. First who can forget the gorgeous Halle Berry as NSA spy Jinx in “Die Another Day”. In my opinion Berry set a new standard of beauty and style in an orange bikini with the swag white belt. Similarily Angelina Jolie in “Salt” with a trench and toque taking on the world. While fashion helped to support those characters , in Atomic Blonde fashion helped create the character.
All things considered Charlize Theron is badass. For this reason no one should be surprised to see this leggy blonde taking on the role of Lorraine Broughton. First and foremost Theron deserves our accolades for performing her own stunts .
Set in 1989, right before the fall of the Berlin Wall, the movie follows Theron’s ass-kicking MI6 agent Lorraine Broughton as she travels to the divided German city to retrieve a missing list of double agents after the murder of a fellow spy. H.owever in this film designers provided there work to create a fabulous fashion extravaganza. Charlize Theron not only turns killer spy in Atomic Blonde, she sets new spy fashion standards in the designer outfits that heat up the Cold War thriller
Ulimately this film is a homage to the style of the 1980’s. Since fashion is never produced in a vacum it is always a reflection of the world in which we live. Of course we can recognize the 80’s in this film but it is done in the style of today. Hence this a movie set in 1989. but Lorraine’s silhouettes also speak to contemporary times.
In the same way the film owes a lot of it’s 1989 vibe to the costume designer Cindy Evans . Of course in any production the designers work as a team, to create an overall look to the film, For this reason designers working with the director may often use similar visual influences. As a matter of fact one of the aesthic influences here were the 1980’s photos of Helmut Newton . Since influences can help tell your story , Newton’s photos of strong , sensual women often in sleek and hard egded clothing, were a huge influence in Atomic. In addition another huge influence was the ATOMIC BLONDE herself Debbie Harry.
While many adjectives can be used to describe the costumes in this film the designer Cindy Evans prefers the word “COOL”. Fashionistas like myself love this type of film , there are so many visual nods to great design. While you may not be aware, this film is a bit of a showcase to the design world. Therefore if you are familiar with designers you will see the work of many of them here.
First there is a black double-breasted coat by Max Mara which shows great clean lines with an 80’s vibe. In fact coats play a big part in the wardrobe , stylish Burberry trenches give a classic feel. Another coat is a fabulous white vinyl trench coat by John Galiano. Finally Broughton dons a dark wig and brilliant red Dior archival outerwear as the ultimate power outfit. The double-breasted vintage wool coat featured oversize black buttons. While many designers worked on this project Dior plays a lead role. Presumably the monochromatic black and white costume scheme was punctuated by the Dior red coat and an amazing pair of Dior red patent heels, that themselves are scene stealers .
Strangely enough it is the clothing that helps support our lead so well. Theron looks great in clothes and her character is a huge lover of fashion at one point she says “If I had known,” as police pull up to an apartment she’s broken into, “I would have worn a different outfit.” I have been inspired by this film to present some fabulous Atomic Blonde fashion . Shop these looks . I predict Atomic Blonde will set more than a few trends .
In conclusion I hope that you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed writing it . Leave some comments and if you get out to see ATOMIC BLONDE let me know what you think about. Shop my site I have some great items here .
Ciao for now Jandrew