Dress The Part I’m Back ; jandrewspeaks.com

vinatge-clothing-shopsAfter a long absence I’m back to “Dress The Part”.  I will  fulfil my obligation as a self-proclaimed fashion leader. As a stylist, advisor and council to the legions of women,  I will  give my advice. My passion is fashion.

My mandate is to educate you on  creating a sense of style while paying homage to the past . The great looks of yesterday that can be adapted to beget the fashion of today.The 20’s,30’s 60’s and 70’s all have relevance today. Find and explore the great times of fashion.

No longer will you struggle alone with wardrobe choices , colours, cuts and accessories. Learn about the greatest fashion icons of all time. Learn about the history of costume and clothing and the world of designers now and then.

“Dress The Part”  I’m Back

Thru wit, humour, and joy we can educate each other on the great world of fashion . As  a student of fashion you must also be a student of history,  phycology , art , and culture.  Examine life thru the eyes of a designer, creator and critic.

I’m back because I will share my idea’s with you all. Fashion is a reflection of the world we live in. The past and present are linked together often thru fashion. Vintage Clothes are more than old clothing therefore the past comes alive. Why not experience the great ages of the past while living in today’s world. Learn how to take vintage clothing and making it apart of your modern closet.

I’m back and the future is bright. Our world contains the modern trends and history. We live in exciting times , this has been said by every generation. Let,s explore this modern world of fashion together.Fashion is more than just clothes. Fashion is style and self-expression. Hence understanding fashion creates your persona and image. Finally fashion can help you project who you are to the world and help create a great life!

Ciao for now Jandrew





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